Sunday, July 24, 2016

Deposing Turtleboy About Mr. Gaffney



This is not legal advice

Mr. Gaffney has refused to answer questions in discovery. Although there is a motion before the Court to compel him to answer, there are other ways to get the informaiton.

One of the ways is to subpeone witnesses. In this case Turtleboy Sports and Aiden Kearney are witnesses. For Turtleboy Sport there is a Duces Tecum  which compels it to provide relavent documents.  At the deposition I can ask questions about the documents.

For Mr. Kearney there will be a depostion by oral examination about his conversations with Mr. Gaffney. At some later point I will depose Mr. Gaffney and compare testimonies of the two.

Mr. Gaffney has sworn under oath that his wife was affected by the alleged defamation. This has openned the door for her deposition and taking of her medical records.

A copy of the Notice of Depostion to Turtleboy Sports is seen below.


                                        COMMONWEALTH OF MASACHUSETTS

                                                                                               WORCESTER,          SS                                                     SUPERIOR CIVIL COURT                                                                                 C.A. 16-0288 B

Michael T. Gaffney,
                             Vs.                                   *                                                                 
Gordon T. Davis,
and                                                              *                                                                                                    
InCity Times                                                            
Rosalie Tirella                                            *
Defendants                                                 *   


To            Turtleboy Digital Marketing LLC.
                 c/o Aiden Kearney
     116 Brookline St.
     Worcester MA 01603

Please take notice that at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 10, 2016 the Defendant, Gordon T. Davis, will take the Deposition of the Keeper of the Records of Turtleboy Digital Marketing LLC (hereafter referred to as “Turtleboy”) in pursuit to the Massachusetts Rules of Civil Procedures. The Deposition will be taken at the office of Real Time Court Reporting, Hammond St. Worcester MA.

The Deposition will be taken before a Notary Public in and for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or by some other officer authorized by law to administer oath.

The exam will continue until completed.

The Deponent is required to bring the following records.

1.   All correspondence between Turtleboy and the Plaintiff, Michael T. Gaffney (hereinafter referred to as “Mr. Gaffney”). Please include invoices and receipts.

2.   All correspondence between any Massachusetts agency and Turtleboy regarding Mr. Gaffney.

3.   A copy of the article dated December 9, 2015, “Mosaic Mafia Family Structure”

4.   A copy of any and all publications regarding the people whom Turtleboy claimed was in the Mosaic Mafia Family. The time period for these publications are from December 10, 2015 through present.

5.   The names of the authors and photographers each publication found in Item 4 above.

6.   A copy of Turtleboy’s incorporation documents.

7.   The names of the present officers of Turtleboy.

You are invited to attend and cross-exam.


                                                            Gordon T. Davis

Cc: Robert Scott, Esq.
       Office of Hector Pinero
       807 Main St.
       Worcester MA 01610

                        CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I, Gordon T. Davis Pro Se Defendant, hereby certified that I have this day served the foregoing Notice of Taking Deposition by mailing it via first class prepaid postage to the following:

Turtleboy Digital Marketing LLC
c/o Aiden Kearney
116 Brookline St.
Worcester MA 01603

Margaret M. Melican, Esq.
2 Foster St.
Worcester MA 01608

------------------------------                             -----------------------------------

 Gordon T. Davis                                     Date

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